A rating is assigned to plants and indicates the likelihood of resistance to cold according to average climatic conditions. This rating allows you to choose plants adapted to the climate of your region. This index can be affected by other conditions.
Agriculture Canada has produced a map on which it is easy to find its hardiness zone. This map is based on average climatic conditions (minimum winter temperatures, length of frost-free period, precipitation in summer, maximum temperatures in summer, snow, rains of January and the maximum wind speed) and altitude.
Check the map from Agriculture Canada to determine which zone you are located.
Canada is divided into nine zones, zero (0) being the coldest and eight (8) being the warmest. Each of the zones have subsequently sub-division where a is slightly colder and b is slightly warmer.
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Bravo! You have chosen your plant according to your hardiness zone, and you are now ready to work your garden.By following a few simple guidelines, you will increase your chances of success and you will have the pleasure of seeing your plants grow quickly and healthy.
Over the years, we have selected a beautiful range of native and ornamental shrubs that we offer to our customers. With more than 180 varieties of shrubs that includes the production.
Young plants are only available in small format that is to say, 45/110cc plugs and potted 4 ". We produce hardy, vigorous and adapted to the Quebec climate.
All plants are produced in Quebec.
We hope that this beautiful plant selection will please you as much as us.
Feel free to contact us for our availability list. It will be our pleasure to serve you.