Euonymus Alatus
Latin name Euonymus Alatus
French name Fusain Ailé
English name Winged Euonymus, Burning Bush.
Carriage Compact shrub with a rounded carriage. Boughs provided with suberous wings.
Foliage Dark green foliage taking a purple and orange colour in fall.
Flowering Yellowish flowers in Juin.
Fruit Produces red orange fruits in September and Octobre.
Growth Average to slow growth.
Use Very decorative aspect in winter by its stems and its fall colouring.
Height 2 meters Width 1.5 meters
Exposure Sun, semi-shade. Zone 3
Euonymus Alatus Compactus
Latin name Euonymus Alatus Compactus
French name Fusain ailé nain
English name Dwarf Winged Euonymus, Dwarf Burning Bush.
Carriage Very compact shrub with a rounded carriage, with winged, spread out and short green boughs.
Foliage Dark green foliage taking a scarlet red colour in fall.
Flowering Yellowish flowers in Juin.
Fruit Red orange fruits in September Octobre.
Growth Slow growth.
Use Ideal plant for the decoration of wintergardens, one can use it in solid mass or isolated.
Height 1.2 meters Width 1.2 meters
Exposure Sun, semi-shade. Zone 3a
Euonymus Europaeus Red Cascade
Latin name Euonymus Europaeus Red Cascade
French name Fusain d’Europe Cascade Rouge
English name Red Cascade European Spindle Tree, Red Cascade European Euonymus.
Carriage Vigorous shrub with a slender carriage, very ramified. The arched branches carry flexible light boughs.
Foliage Dense foliage.
Flowering Greenish white flowers in Mai.
Fruit Produces spectacular pink and sharp red fruits.
Growth Average to slow growth.
Use Useful for its fall colouring, its fructification and its form. To be used isolated.
Height 2 meters Width 1.75 meters
Exposure Sun Zone 3
Euonymus Fortunei Emerald Gaity
Latin name Euonymus Fortunei Emerald Gaity
French name Fusain Argenté, Euonymus Argenté.
English name Euonymus Emerald Gaiety
Carriage Shrub with a rounded upright then falling down carriage.
Foliage Dark green foliage mixed with white. Plant with persistent foliage.
Flowering Unimportant flowers.
Growth Slow growth.
Use Interesting for its foliage, it is a useful carpeting plant, notably in shaded situations.
Height 1 meter Width 2 meters
Exposure Sun Zone 4
Euonymus Fortunei Emerald and Gold
Latin name Euonymus Fortunei Emerald and Gold
French name Fusain Argenté et Or
English name Emerald and Gold Euonymus
Carriage Small shrub with an irregular rounded carriage tending to crawl.
Foliage Dark green foliage bordered of a clear yellow. Plant with a persistent foliage which takes a beautiful pink, red and dark green colour during the winter.
Flowering Small yellowish flowers under the leaves.
Growth Average growth.
Use Excellent ground covering plants.
Height 1 meter Width 2 meters
Exposure Sun Zone 5